Central heating and air is something that a vast majority of us have come to rely on for a good portion of the year. The summers, especially down here in Southern California, can easily reach the triple digits making the need and desire for central air conditioning rather high. The same holds true for the winter months, only switched for the central heater instead of central air conditioning. The winters get cold, sometimes very, so ensuring that our central heating systems are up and running properly is rather important.
Keeping older homes warm in the winter and cool in the summer can be a bit of a challenge. Older homes were not designed to be as energy-efficient as the newer homes today, mainly because the cost of heating and cooling was cheaper than it is today, and the design and technologies that help new homes stay energy efficient just weren’t that prevalent back in the day. For those of you living in older homes, you are most likely familiar with the battle between keeping the house at a comfortable temperature during the hot and cold months and keeping the monthly utility bills down below a reasonable level.
For older homes, heating and air conditioning can be a challenge. It can also be a nuisance since older homes are notorious for leaking warm and cool air, making maintaining a constant, comfortable temperature a bit difficult. There are ways that we here at WC Heating and Air recommend for improving your home’s energy retention. For instance, windows are often a source of heat loss during the colder months. Older windows that aren’t designed to help retain heat are horrible (or great) heat sinks, making them one of the best things to replace. By simply replacing the glass windows, you can see a drastic increase in your older home’s energy retention.
Another great place to look into for increasing your older home’s energy retention is insulation. Older homes are more likely to have less-than-adequate insulation, adding to their low energy retention. By simply adding a bit of insulation to the attic or crawlspace you can see a reduction in your energy bills.
We here at We Care Plumbing, Heating, & Air care about our clients and customers, and we know that without them, and their satisfaction, we wouldn’t be successful. We pride ourselves on customer satisfaction and know that not every heating and cooling situation isn’t solved by a simple equipment upgrade or new system installation. We understand that in harsh economic times, everyone is looking to do what they can to increase the effectiveness and life cycle of their equipment. For more information and tips on how to increase your home’s energy efficiency, check out some of our previous blog posts – they contain a great number of tips for you and your home.