Our We Care Plumbing, Heating, & Air team is driven to exceed your expectations. We Care Plumbing, Heating, & Air sends every single one of our employees to Bold workshops.
We Care Plumbing, Heating, & Air’s priority has always been the happiness of our customers. In order to provide our best service, we hire only the most motivated employees. Every one of our employees, from our Comfort Advisors to our office staff to our technicians, is driven to do their best. We Care Plumbing, Heating, & Air is a team, and a team is only as good as its weakest player; in order to ensure our team delivers top-notch performance, we nurture our employees and encourage them to be leaders in their field.
We Care Plumbing, Heating, & Air is dedicated to development.
Every three months, We Care Plumbing, Heating, & Air sends our new hires to the “Bold: Advanced Leadership” workshop hosted by Driven For Life, a company committed to engaging with and motivating others. “Bold” is an intensive leadership workshop dedicated to taking professionals with potential and transforming them into effective leaders. This is no average workshop experience where people sit in a room and take notes; participants engage in real-time, hands-on training for three rigorous days. “Bold” focuses on developing personal skills, including public speaking, decision making, problem-solving, and client relationship development.
The “Bold” workshop is not designed to make poor employees and “fix” them. Rather, it is encouraged that a company’s best staff members attend to improve upon their solid foundation of skills. Because We Care Plumbing, Heating, & Air chooses employees carefully, we believe that our entire staff is made of born leaders. We send each person in our company to this workshop because our whole staff should have the opportunity to professionally develop their leadership skills further.
Cultivating the strengths of our staff members can only help contribute to our successful, growing company. Training our employees in this respect not only contributes positively to We Care Plumbing, Heating, & Air’s company growth and company culture: it also improves our relationships with our valuable customers. A team of trained people, each with honed, necessary skills to contribute, will be more effective in facilitating and developing positive relationships with our customers than untrained individuals.
Our award-winning team makes our award-winning company.
We Care Plumbing, Heating, & Air has the means to train each of our employees in the highly accredited “Bold: Advanced Leadership” workshop, and we take full advantage of it. We are honored to have employees who are dedicated and hard-working. We Care Plumbing, Heating, & Air would not be the award-winning company it is without the people that make it that way: our customers and our staff.