There’s a lot of us out there that get cold easily, some no matter what the weather is like outside. With winter coming up in just a few short months, we’re going to be seeing more and more cold nights and foggy mornings, and we’re going to be tempted just that much more to turn on the central heating. There are ways to heat your home and stay warm this winter without spiking the utility bills higher than the fog level, and today we’re going to go over a couple of them.
Everything starts with a foundation, and your central heating system is no different. The most effective way to keep your heating bills down this winter is to have a high-efficiency furnace design in your home. Since the furnace is the heat center for the entire system, it’s important to start out with one that’s going to use as little energy as possible for the heat it generates. If you find yourself with the option to replace your older, less efficient furnace out with a more energy-efficient one, our heating service technicians will be able to get everything installed and taken care of in time for the cold months.
Another great place to start saving on heating bills this winter is the thermostat. If the temperature is lowered by a degree or two you can see a drastic reduction in your heating bills, regardless of the energy efficiency rating of your furnace. The temperature doesn’t need to be up high enough for you to feel the need to wear shorts or want to turn the heat down. It’ll be winter, so wear some sweat pants and bundle up with a blanket – your wallet will thank you for it.
Another great way to save some money on your winter utility bills is to have a bit of heating maintenance performed on your system before starting to ramp it up. Getting a tune-up now while it’s still relatively warm will help you save the most money this winter, as well as give you the peace of mind of knowing that your heating system will work all winter long.
The last great tip we’ve got for you today is to install a timer or have a programmable thermostat. With the timer or programmable thermostat, you’ll be able to set times of the day for the heater to run. For instance, the heater doesn’t have to be running all night while everyone’s asleep. In the beginning, sure, but not all night. A timer set for 3 AM will turn you off, saving you money without disturbing your sleep.
All in all, there are a lot of ways to save money this winter on your utility bills, you just have to know where to look. Luckily, you have us here to help. We Care to Go the Extra Mile – it’s not just our slogan, it’s our philosophy.