Looking to boost your air conditioner efficiency, don’t want to spend the money to have someone come out and tune up your system or perform potentially costly air conditioning repairs? Well, then you should probably keep reading, ‘cause this post just might have exactly what you’re looking for.
First off, check the connections. If a breaker has switched, or something has simply become loose or disconnected, it is rather easy to reattach or plug it back in, not to mention it will save you a good deal of embarrassment later down the road. If your air conditioning system is acting funny, check the various connections to make sure everything is plugged in nicely.
Alright, now that we know everything is connected properly, time to see if there is anything blocking the outdoor unit. Make sure there isn’t anything on top of the air compressor and that it has about 3 feet of room on either side. Blocked airflow to the compressor makes your whole central air conditioning system work harder and harder to achieve the same results, ultimately causing more damage to the system in the long run.
While we’re at the compressor, check the air filters. Yes, just like your car, your air conditioning air compressor has air filters. They’re there to prevent bugs, plants, dust, and other nasty debris from making their way into your air conditioner, and by proxy, into your home. But, over time, these air filters get dirty and clogged and begin blocking airflow to the compressor themselves. Make sure you clean the filters and replace them when necessary to help ensure optimal airflow.
Last, but not least, to help boost the cooling power of your AC without having to pay for air conditioning maintenance, try adding or tuning on some fans inside. Ceiling, standing and desk fans all help circulate the cool air your AC is kicking out and sip the electricity from the wall, so they won’t raise your electric bills by too noticeable an amount.