Just like our vehicles and other appliances, our central air and heating systems need annual maintenance to keep them running and operating at efficiency. We service our cars and trucks every three months with oil changes and the like, and we would never think about running our cars for a year without getting them tuned up in some way, shape, or form, yet a good number of us go for years without servicing, and in some cases even looking at, our central heating and air conditioning systems.
Keeping up on your central heating and air conditioning systems is important since we all want to be able to turn the dial this winter and have our heaters start pumping out clean, warm air to keep us warm and comfortable on these cold winter nights. It’s easy to tell if your heater is working, but it’s not as easy to tell if it’s working efficiently. To tell that, you’ll either need to watch your heater usage and compare it to your utility bills or have a professional come out and take a look at it. Needless to say, the latter is easiest.
A good rule of thumb is that if you haven’t had your system maintenance or serviced in the past year then it’s time for a tune-up. This holds true for both heaters and air conditioners for a total of two inspections and maintenance visits a year. The benefit of this is that your central heating and air systems will be working at their highest level of energy efficiency for as long as possible.
Now is the best time for getting your central heating maintenance out of the way, since it’s only going to be getting colder as winter grabs hold of us and chills us to the bone during its long nights. With the holiday season over and the new year right around the corner, getting up to date on your heating maintenance can make for one great new years’ resolution. Not only will it help keep you and yours warm this winter, but it will also help keep your utility bills down. Chances are, after all, that you were going to use the heater anyway – might as well make sure it’s working as good as it should be.
Maintenance is important. We make sure our cars and trucks are maintenance. We make sure our computers are maintenance. We make sure nearly everything we own – yet there’s a good number of us whom the thought of maintenance our central heating and air conditioning systems never crosses our minds. The simple truth is that these systems run so much better, and at lower energy costs, if their maintenance. It’s saved time, money, convenience, and peace of mind knowing that you and yours will be able to go this winter while staying warm. What could be better than that?