With the 1st day of Autumn hitting us this Friday, it’s a little hard to believe that summer has already come and gone. While it might not feel like Fall just yet, rest assured that the cold months are going to be creeping up on us sooner than we think, making now the best time to schedule your HVAC maintenance service check. A little bit of preventative HVAC maintenance goes a long way.
We recommend two annual inspections of your heating and cooling system – one in the Spring for your air conditioner and the other in the Fall for your heater. The inspections themselves are done in order to ensure that the appropriate part of your overall HVAC system is up to par and ready for the demand that the upcoming season will place on it. For this Fall’s post, we’re going to focus on what a service check for your furnace means for you.
First, we begin with checking the furnace’s overall energy efficiency. Most furnaces today are very energy efficient, so any unit coming up with a rating of 90 or less will most likely be in need of some repairs. Getting them taken care of early on can save a lot of money down the road, in both monthly bills and costly repairs. Next comes cleaning the soot and other byproducts out of the combustion chamber. The build-up is common, so the technician will be using specially designed brushes and vacuums to clean the chamber.
After checking the burner itself, along with the tubes and various connections associated with it, we inspect and change out the air filters and, if need be, ensure that your home has clean air ducts, which is great if you want to improve indoor air quality. All winter long you would benefit from reduced dust levels, along with reduced levels of a good number of air pollutants. Combine that with high-energy efficiency and a fully operational HVAC system, and you’re looking at a calm and relaxing winter season – something we all deserve.