When it comes to your home’s plumbing system, it has many components. One additional component is a water softener system. We’re going to discuss some of the most common myths surrounding this type of plumbing device to help you better understand how it can potentially benefit your home.
Softer Water Tastes Salty
Probably one of the biggest myths out there about water softeners is that they create salty, soft water. This myth stems from the fact that sodium is typically used as an additive to remove excess minerals like magnesium and calcium. This can lead you to think that water softener salt is similar to adding table salt to your water.
That simply isn’t the case. Water softener salt is much different from your traditional table salt. When used properly, it won’t affect the overall taste of your water.
Water Softeners Add Excessive Sodium
As we just discussed, water softeners do add sodium to your water. However, it’s important to clarify that the amount of sodium a water softener adds is very minimal. Even when treating the hardest household water, a typical 8-ounce cup will contain only between 20 and 30 milligrams of sodium. The same size cup filled with milk contains 120 milligrams of sodium.
Water Softeners Can Be Damaging to Your Septic Tank
This myth is based on the concept that sodium can be damaging to the bacteria in your septic tank. The reality is that softer water is more beneficial for your septic tank than hard water. It helps promote good bacteria growth and optimizes your septic treatment process.
Furthermore, using softer water will reduce your family’s use of laundry detergent, soap, and other cleaning products. The fewer chemicals in your septic tank, the better its overall performance will be.
Water Softeners Remove Essential Minerals
When you first find out that water softeners remove minerals like calcium and magnesium from your drinking water, it can be easy to think that you are missing out on getting these essential minerals into your diet. The reality is that humans can’t digest the calcium and magnesium found in hard water. Rather, we get the majority of our minerals, like calcium, from the foods we eat daily.
Soft Water Leaves Behind a Film on Your Skin
When you switch from bathing in hard water to bathing in soft water, you’ll notice a difference right away. Many people note that their skin and hair seem to have a slippery film. That’s actually not the case at all.
That slippery feeling is your body’s natural oils. When you bathe in hard water, your skin gets quickly dried out by a soap scum film.
Water Softeners Aren’t Necessary for City Water
If you live in the city where you get your fresh water from your city’s main water supply line, you may falsely think that the city already treats your water. It’s absolutely true that cities must treat their water supply for impurities. However, they aren’t required to remove the excess calcium and magnesium that makes the water hard. It’s necessary for you, as a homeowner, to invest in a water softener system to remove these excess minerals from your water supply.
Water Softeners Waste Water
Contrary to popular belief, water softeners use very little water. During the softening process, all the water that enters your water softener continues to flow into your water supply lines to feed your plumbing fixtures, such as your showers and sinks. However, during the regeneration process, your water softener uses water.
This is where excess minerals are flushed out of your water softener and down your drain. While some older, outdated water softeners could use larger amounts of water, newer units hardly use any.
Water Softeners Are Hard To Maintain
When adding anything new to your home, its maintenance and upkeep are of the utmost concern. When it comes to a water softener, it’s really not that hard to maintain at all for the average homeowner. All that’s typically required is to refill the softener’s salt supply every six to eight weeks. It’s also advisable to have a plumber inspect your water softener system when they’re doing a normal annual inspection of your entire plumbing system.
Water Softeners Are Bulky
Modern-day water softeners are much more compact than their predecessors. They offer great energy efficiency combined with a space-saving design. The best part is that these new water softeners can treat the same amount of water as the older, larger versions.
Water Softeners Are Only Intended To Help Skin and Hair
While it’s true that many individuals seek to invest in a water softener system to enjoy softer hair and skin, that’s not the only benefit these systems provide. By creating softer water, these systems help drastically reduce the corrosion that hard water causes to your piping and plumbing fixtures. This translates to a longer lifespan for these items.
Furthermore, softer water offers better cleaning, so you can buy fewer cleaning supplies, such as shampoo and soap, throughout the year.
Water Softeners Treat All Water Problems
Another common misconception about water softener systems is that they treat all water problems. This is simply not the case. Water softeners are specifically designed to remove excess minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, from water.
They are ineffective at removing bacteria, chemicals, viruses, and other contaminants from water. To address these issues, you’ll need a water filtration system.
All Water Softeners Are Mainly the Same
Not all water softeners are created equal. Some use salt, while others are salt-free. Some have a magnetic tank, while others don’t.
Just like all water heaters, all water softeners are different. It’s important to speak with one of our plumbing professionals to determine the perfect system for your household needs and budget.
Water Softeners Cost Too Much Money
While determining what is considered too much money will vary from person to person, it is important to weigh all the pros that a water softener can provide. It will extend the lifespan of your piping, plumbing fixtures, water heater, and other household appliances that use water. Thus, it only makes sense to pay the upfront cost of a water softener system for your home.
Water Softeners Are Expensive To Run
It’s true that water softeners use electricity to operate effectively. However, their use of electricity is similar to that of powering a wall clock: not much, ranging from about 1 to 10 amps during normal operation.
Local Top-Quality Water Softener Services
We Care Plumbing, Heating, & Air provides top-quality water softener services in the Temecula, CA, area. Our team handles all plumbing services, from drains and sewer lines to sump pumps and slab leaks. We can also help with all your heating, air conditioning, and indoor air quality needs. Call our friendly staff today to schedule your next service consultation with one of our plumbing professionals.